Division for Traffic Safety and Reliability


The Division for Traffic Safety and Reliability of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering is located in Building W on the Grifflenberg Campus of the University of Wuppertal.

University of Wuppertal   
School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering   
Chair for Traffic Safety and Reliability
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Post office box:  42097 Wuppertal
Phone:  +49 202 439-3137
Internet:  www.vzu.uni-wuppertal.de

Central study guidance
Media Centre


Site plan and directions

Arrival by public transport

Take line 603 to the "Mensa" stop. Alternatively, use lines 615 or 645 to "Universität". (Building W is about 5 minutes' walk after the stops).

Arrival by car

Building W is located at Gaußstraße, 20, 42119 Wuppertal. Follow the signs to "Wuppertal" and "Universität, Campus Grifflenberg".
Most of the university car parks and parking spaces are freely accessible to everyone. A parking permit is not required.
Please note the general opening hours of the PA, PB and PC car parks:
  -  Mon-Fri:   7:00 to 22:30
  -  Sat-Sun:   closed