Fachgebiet für Verkehrssicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit


The research of the Chair for Traffic Safety and Reliability focuses on

Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics   

Highway and Mixed Urban Traffic

Intelligent Transportation and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Predictive Reliability and Fault-Tolerant Design

We develop and analyse multi-agent mathematical models and numerical simulation tools based on systems of differential equations, stochastic processes, and data-driven algorithms. The modelling approach is bottom-up: from microscopic interaction behaviour of agents with partial knowledge of the environment to macroscopic collective dynamics. The research is based on real field and experimental data. We also conduct experiments with mobile robots and virtual reality driving simulators. Applications include the conception of simulation tools and intelligent transportation systems, and the development of safe and reliable motion planners for automated connected systems.

Approach:         Modelling  →  Analysis  →  Simulation  →  Optimisation

Duality:             Linear models  ↔  Non-linear models
                          Physics and knowledge-based  ↔  Data-driven / Deep learning
                          Microscopic approaches  ↔  Meso / Macroscopic approaches

Our research strongly supports the principles for open science, emphasising open source development, reproducibility, and the FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) principles. Computations are performed using open source packages in R and Python in Jupyter platforms and open source multi-agent simulation modules such as NetLogo, SUMO and CARLA. In addition, all publications are made available on open access platforms.

Below are some links to open access data repositories, open source multi-agent simulation platforms, conferences, books and the journal Collective Dynamics.


Pedestrian trajectories

Road vehicle naturalistic trajectories

Predictive maintenance


  • NetLogo  –  Simulation of multi-agent systems (logo)
  • JuPedSim  –  Simulation of pedestrian and crowd dynamics (python)

  • Vadere  –  Simulation of pedestrian and crowd dynamics (java)

  • Umans  –  Simulation of pedestrian and crowd dynamics (C++)

  • GAMA Platform  –  Agent-based modelling and simulation (java)

  • Eclipse SUMO  –  Simulation of Urban MObility (C++)

  • CARLA Simulator  –  Autonomous driving simulator (python, C++)

  • MATSim  –  Large-scale agent-based transport simulations (Java)


Traffic flow and pedestrian dynamics

Complex systems and multi-agent systems

Intelligent transportation systems and autonomous vehicles

Reliability engineering


See also wikicfp.com (search engine for conferences)


Traffic Flow and Pedestrian Dynamics

Reliability Engineering

Automotive Engineering


Collective Dynamics is a diamond open-access multidisciplinary journal publishing research in the field of pedestrian dynamics, vehicular traffic, and other systems of self-driven particles or interacting agents.

The journal covers, but is not limited to, the following areas:

Further information are available here.